About us - Innovating health and wellness

Fusion Health was formed in 2022 to provide Health Wellness Assessment services to Medicare Advantage health plans. Bringing together innovative clinical decision support and documentation software along with deep clinical and industry expertise, we enable health plan members, health plans, and healthcare providers improve their health insights and wellness.


To provide exceptional and comprehensive healthcare services for the healthcare partners we serve in a welcoming environment, attending to the needs of Medicare Advantage health plan members with heartfelt compassion in their pursuit for better health.


To support our healthcare partners in their pursuit of providing best-in-class member care, service and experience, is nationally recognized for the quality and capabilities of our employees and network of providers, and outperforms its peers in operational capabilities and growth.

Our Values - Our core values are more than just words, they are a way of life.

These beliefs create a framework for action and guide everything we do, including how we interact with our fellow employees, contracted providers, patients, health plan members, vendors, and our community. As we continue to evolve as a business, our strategies and processes may change—but our core values will remain the same.

  • Positivity. The best is yet to come. Enthusiastic people who seek first to understand, then to be understood, inspire us. Optimism will prevail over frustrations and challenges. We are not unrealistic, but we choose to focus on the positive rather than cultivate negativity and pessimism.
  • Integrity. Do what is right, not what is easy. People who are careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with large matters. Honesty is a character trait that defines our people and our organization. Transparency in communication and organizational initiatives is essential for building trust as we share and receive information.
  • Passion. Cowboys die with their boots on. We are passionate about our work and the impact we make in the lives of health plan members. We are not just busy; we invest full attention in the task at hand. Stagnation and apathy have no place in our professional and personal lives.
  • Respect. Treat others as you expect to be treated. We embrace everyone’s unique talents and honor diverse life and work styles. We operate in a spirit of cooperation and value human dignity. Seeking first to understand before being understood, we treat everyone with courtesy, politeness, and kindness. We acknowledge the needs and feelings of both internal and external associations and recognize that respect is the foundation of any healthy relationship.
  • Teamwork. Teamwork makes the dream work. We base working relationships upon respect and recognize contributions made by one another. We value unique qualities, abilities, and perspectives each person brings to challenges and opportunities. We know we can achieve more together than individually. We communicate openly and extend respect and team spirit to clients, providers, and communities in which we live and work.
  • Accountabilty. Accountability breeds response-ability. Commitment to a regimen turns goals into accomplishments. We do not equate discipline with a lack of spontaneity or fun; rather, we believe sticking to rigorous processes gives us freedom to make goals a priority. We take responsibility for commitments we make to clients, providers, colleagues, and each other. You have significant autonomy, which translates into a response-ability to see promises through. When we make mistakes, we own it and fix it.
  • Gratitude. Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot. Gratitude is the healthiest of human emotions: the more you express, the more you have. Gratitude diffuses entitlement and allows us to focus on the possibilities. Expressing gratitude regularly is the gateway to success.
  • Fiscal Prudence. Waste not, want not. We understand that our organization provides economic security for each of our families. Careful consideration for each risk and expense, whether small or large, is permanently at the forefront of our minds.


We all have a duty and responsibility for reporting perceived, actual or potential violations of laws, regulations, company policies or unethical behavior. Learn more about Fusion's compliance policy and how to report issues.